Week By Week Pregnancy Timeline

Although pregnancies last about 40 weeks, it moves very quickly. Your baby and your body are changing rapidly, preparations need to be made, supplies need to be purchased and information needs to be gathered.With everything going on, you may not even get to think about what’s actually happening in your body. While this may seem unimportant, this knowledge can help you understand what you are experiencing at each stage of your pregnancy. Here’s what you need to know:

Week One

This week actually starts the day after your last period. You aren’t pregnant yet but your body begins preparing for it.


Week Two

You still aren’t pregnant, but you are ovulating, which is when you are the most fertile. During this time, your egg is fertilized, which may cause slight spotting.


Week Three

You won’t know it yet but you’re pregnant. This is a good time to start taking folic acid, calcium, and iron.


Week Four

You have missed your period and a pregnancy test will now most likely be positive. At this point, you may experience slight cramping and spotting, which you may mistake for a period but it won’t be as heavy or last as long.


Week Five

Although your baby is still a embryo, it has begun sprouting arm and leg buds. You will start experiencing pregnancy symptoms and Pregnancy Brain. Begin avoiding raw or undercooked meat and seafood, fish with a high amount of mercury, deli meats, smoked seafood, raw eggs, soft cheeses, caffeine, and alcohol.


Week Six

The heart begins to beat and it’s eyes are beginning to form. Your pregnancy symptoms will become more pronounced now.


Week Seven

Your baby’s hands and feet are now budding and it’s face is taking shape. You are probably experiencing extreme hunger and or morning sickness.


Week Eight

Most women realize they are pregnant about now. Your miscarriage rate has dropped significantly and you can now find out your official due date. Your baby is now a fetus and it’s face has now formed.


Week Nine

Your baby’s head is now larger than it’s body and it is now making movements, though it is only visible during an ultrasounds. You should begin preparing for your first prenatal visit by collecting your personal and family medical history.


Week Ten

Your baby’s eyes are now open and you’ll now be able to hear it’s heartbeats. Your symptoms will start to subside. You should have your first prenatal appointment about now.


Week Eleven

Your baby is now growing fingernails and your cravings are probably stronger.


Week Twelve

It is the end of your first trimester and your baby now looks like a person and has fingers and toes. You may be beginning to show.


Week Thirteen

You will start putting on weight and your baby is still growing.


Week Fourteen

Your baby is now developing fingerprints and your energy is starting to return.


Week Fifteen

Your baby is now moving and making faces. You can, and should, get screening and diagnostic tests to check for any conditions your baby may be at risk for –  especially is you are over 35 years of age.


Week Sixteen

You can now feel your baby move and may be able to find out it’s sex.


Week Seventeen

Your baby’s eyebrows and eyelashes are beginning to grow, and so are your breasts. You should begin looking into childbirth classes.


Week Eighteen

Your baby is moving much more and it can now hear you. You will definitely be able to find out the sex of your baby.


Week Nineteen

Your baby is now growing a layer of fat for warmth. You should be looking for looking for a pediatrician now.


Week Twenty

You are now halfway through your pregnancy. You will probably begin to gain ½ a pound a week now.


Week Twenty One

Your baby’s teeth are now forming in it’s gums and their eyes are now moving.


Week Twenty Two

Your baby weighs about a pound now and it’s senses are developing. It can now feel touch.


Week Twenty Three

Long distance travelling will soon be discouraged and you may have more trouble sleeping now.


Week Twenty Four

Your baby now has fingernails. You can, and should, get a glucose screening now to check for gestational diabetes.


Week Twenty Five

If someone puts their ear up to your belly, they will be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat and hiccups. You may start getting heartburn and leg cramps. Offset this by avoiding spicy and fatty foods.


Week Twenty Six

This is the end of the second trimester and your baby is now sleeping longer and blinking. If you put a flashlight up to your stomach, they will now respond to the light by moving or turning towards.


Week Twenty Seven

Your baby now has a regular sleep/wake schedule, looks pretty much how it will at birth, and now recognizes your voice. You will begin gaining about a pound a week.


Week Twenty Eight

Your baby is now moving into birth position. You will now have doctor visits at least once every two weeks.


Week Twenty Nine

Your baby is now more sensitive to light and sound. Their movements will become much more intense as well.


Week Thirty

Your baby is now practicing breathing movements. Your uterus is now crowding your diaphragm so it may be a little more difficult to breathe. You center of gravity is also beginning to shift.


Week Thirty One

The kicks and punches will become less intense but you may begin to have Braxton Hicks contractions, or practice contractions. You breasts may start making colostrum (pre-milk).


Week Thirty Two

You should have your baby shower by now, as your energy is about to dip.


Week Thirty Three

Your baby’s bones are hardening and it is now sleeping as much as a newborn. You should now write up your birthing plan, tour the hospital, and considering what pain-relief techniques you want to use.


Week Thirty Four

Your baby’s organs are almost ready to work independently. You may also begin seeing elbow hand knee imprints coming from your baby and it is now in delivery position. Your fatigue is probably getting worse at this point.


Week Thirty Five

Your baby is now gaining a ½ pound a week and lowering to your pelvis. You should get tested for Group B Strep, which you could pass one to your baby during delivery.


Week Thirty Six

Your baby’s head is now is your pelvis preparing for birth. You will now have ob/gyn appointments at least once a week.


Week Thirty Seven

Your baby is now considered full term. It’s immune system is developing and it can grasp with it’s fingers and turn towards bright light. You may go into labour any day now.


Week Thirty Eight

Your baby’s growth slows but it’s organs are now working.


Week Thirty Nine

If you haven’t gone into labor yet, you may begin having Braxton Hicks contractions more frequently.


Week Forty

Your doctor may induce labor or wait up to two weeks if you haven’t delivered yet.


As you can see, your body goes through a lot during those 40 weeks and it all happens quite rapidly. It may seem like a long time but it goes by very quickly. However, every pregnancy is different, so don’t be alarmed if yours doesn’t follow this exact timeline. Rather, use this timeline as reassurance that what you are experiencing is probably perfectly normal, though you should still consult you doctor with any concerns.



By: Alecia Stanton

Alecia Stanton