15 Ways to Fight Morning Sickness

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It’s common knowledge that nausea, or morning sickness, is one of the most uncomfortable parts of being pregnant. While some women are lucky enough to avoid it altogether, others may experience it throughout the entirety of their pregnancy. If you happen to be one of these women, try these nausea remedies for a more pleasant pregnancies.

  1. Eat small frequent meals throughout the day
    1. Focus on high protein and complex carbs
  2. Sip ginger tea
  3. Suck on a lemon
  4. Have crackers before getting out of bed
  5. Stay hydrated
  6. Take Vitamin B6
  7. Sniff a pleasant scent like lemon extract or rosemary
  8. Take prenatal vitamins with your largest meal; and/or
  9. Take prenatal vitamins at night
  10. Have a complex carb snack before bed
  11. Avoid warm foods, spicy foods, and caffeine
  12. Wear comfortable clothes
  13. Take a nap
  14. Have mints on hand
  15. Sip on clear carbonated drinks
Some of these remedies are more so steps to take to prevent the onset of nausea while others are ways to deal with it when it comes. With both prevention and ways to treat it, morning sickness should occur much less frequently for you.

Alecia Stanton